Prof Ruiz-Moreno
Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM).
Head of the Ophthalmology Department, Universitary Hospital Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda. Madrid.
Ex-President of the Spanish Retina and Vitreous Society (SERV).
Ex-Medical Director of the Vissum Corporation.
Ex-President of the Retina Plus Foundation (
Index h: 44
Coordinator and Professor of the Doctorate Programme in Health Sciences at the UCLM. Director of 36 doctoral theses and Director of the International Doctoral School (EID) of the UCLM from 1 April 2015 to 30 April 2016.
Thirty years of research with positive evaluation by the Ministry of Education.
Books: As Editor: International: 9. National Edition: 33; International Book Chapters: 73; National: 67.
Journal Articles. With Impact Factor: 279. Indexed without Impact Factor: 39.
Research Projects: 25 National Public Competitive and 1 European EURETINA project, 4 private funding and International Clinical Trials: 81. Own Research Group, participating as Principal Investigator in the call “Thematic Networks of Cooperative Research in Health” 2007″, financed by ISC III; RD07/0062/0019, for: 2008-2011 extended for 2012 and 2013; in 2012 new group 2013-2016, ISC III; RD12/0034/0011 ISC III; and new group 2017-2020 RD16/0008/0021. Recognition as an Emerging Research Group (GRUPO DE INVESTIGACION IMAGEN MULTIMODAL EN OFTALMOLOGÍA) by the Fundación de Investigación del hospital universitario Puerta de Hierro.
Conferences and Communications in Congress: Internationals: 476. Nationals: 584.
International courses: 15. National courses: 180. Seminars: 58.
Patents: Three.
Grants and Awards: Grants: 2. Awards: 18. Official Grants: 6.
Lines of Research: Pathological Myopia, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Macular Edema and Multimodal Imaging Diagnosis of Retinal Diseases.